Haih, im finally here, after much persuasion i finally made a blog HAHA. Well, i think im suppose to let my feelings out here, so yeah.
One once said that love is blind, but it this true? Well come to
think of it, what is the true meaning of love? Everybody else will say like, love is something when you have a feeling for a certain someone or something like that but when will we know that we're really in love? Haih, this is one confusion not only i face but everybody too, and no wonder people said that love is
blind. Well, enough about love and the stupid definition, i'm here to let my feelings out.
I think this might seem obvious, so like i dont give a shit, I can say that i'm in love but i aint all that sure. Everyday in school i'll tell myself dont get too down in the dumps, its already form 5 and soon college and the uni last work starts. When i look back, what is the interesting thing that i did? NOTHING!!!! So like i wanna enjoy these last few days of form 5, so i can really remember them and tell my kids, and grandkids and maybe my great grandkids. But like in school i keep on getting emo-.-' and idk why i keep feeling this way. Maybe ca
use i'm in love with a girl? well idk and not sure-.-'
I think the definition 'love is blind' is kinda true. Cause like i'm inlove with a girl whom i dont really know, but i think i know her. Shes NOT all THAT cute, not 100% my taste but still i like her, she too doesn't treat me THAT well but i still act as if she does. but WHY OH WHY? i know these facts but still when i chat with her, its like i'm in a WHOLE other world. Well i've know her since i was form 2 and i still remember our history. We used to like chat every morning right before school, but when it comes to school i'll be too shy just to say HI to her. I'll just go smiling when she passes next to me. (OH what i'd do just to see her smile like that) Then finally after 1 day i finally confessed to her, but still she didnt care. We still remained friend
s and like who cares, as long as shes happy i'm happy. Thats what i used to say to everyone! but DEEP and DEEEP down inside i know that i'm heart broken. Till one day she finally told me she liked me back. I was felt like i was the KING of the WORLD! I cried till tears were on my cheeks, till i couldn't sleep the whole week. So like yeah i think we had a relationship but i wasnt sure it was real or not. Cause like we didnt really talk after that week cause it was the hols and she didnt come online. Then till one day she came online, with different attitude and feelings, i felt like she was a whole other person. We than chatted till she said that honestly she didnt have feelings for me, just that everyone in the school knew that i liked her and i was desperate to get her, and she just say that just to make me happy. I can still remember every last bit of that moment like it was yesterday. I can still remember how foolish i was to be in love with a girl i dont talk, dont even have her phone number. HOW DUMB OF ME-.-
But till now i'm still in love with her. I tried several ways to get her out of my life. But every time shes almost gone, she'll come back in a way i cant explain. Then we'd get along again, till at least a month or two, she'll leave me. Till the very next year and it all repeats again. like deja vu-.-
Till today, i still dont know why i'm still attached to her. I know that theres NO WAY she's gonna like me back, but i still give myself hope, that someday she'll go crying to me and say the things i've always wanted her to say. Haih, what a delima! Well, but still even if sh
e still wont like me, i just hope who ever shes with now shes happy(even if i dont mean it).
So like i think if you read this, i think you know who you are. but still dont think that i'm desperate to have you, its just to let you know my feelings and i think i've told you once before, so yeah. Well, i hope good things can come good after this, and i hope i can stop being EMO for once-____-" HAIHH!
Well lasty, if your reading this i just want you to know that I LOVE YOU DEAR :) and i'd do anything just to hear your laugh and smile, its priceless